

See below for some commonly asked questions regarding student disability services at Saint Mary's College of California. If you have a question and do not see the answer below please call our office at 925-631-4358 so that we can assist you.



SDS办公室与各种残疾学生一起工作, 包括物理, 心理, 学习的基础, 和/或健康状况. 我们和患有注意力缺陷多动症的学生一起工作, 自闭症谱系的学生, 有视力障碍的学生, 失聪或有听力障碍的学生以及行动不便的学生.  我们与正在经历心理健康挑战的学生一起工作, 以及那些被诊断为躁郁症或临床抑郁症的人.  我们和患有慢性病的学生一起工作.   We also work with students who may need temporary accommodations for short-term issues like broken bones or concussions.  Our office is here to serve any student who could benefit from services due to a diagnosed disability (either visible or invisible) or significant medical issue.


在全国范围内,约有11%的大学生披露了自己的残疾并寻求服务. 然而, 据估计,更多的学生没有透露他们的残疾或要求住宿.

Can students who seek accommodation support expect that their disability information will be kept confidential?

是的. Records within the 学生残疾服务 office are private and kept separate from all other student records.  有关详细信息,请参阅菜单中的机密性部分.


其他学生不知道SMC的住宿,在大多数情况下, 住宿条件不会被同学注意到.

我如何申请SMC的住宿? 我要把申请发给需要住宿的部门吗,  比如住房, 营业厅, 英语系, 等?

Accommodation requests should be submitted directly to the office of 学生残疾服务 in order to receive services.  The SDS office will coordinate with other departments only as needed in order to properly implement the accommodation.  Only those departments with a legitimate educational interest to know will ever be notified of a student's disability.  如果没有合法的教育需要知道, 信息将不会与校园其他部门共享.   申请在SMC住宿, 请致电925-631-4358联系学生残疾服务办公室或填写此表格 新生申请 开始吧.


There is no cost to the student to apply for accommodations or to use accommodations approved through SDS.  与批准的住宿相关的任何费用将由SDS办公室处理.


The SDS office is looking for documentation that is "current" which may or may not necessarily be "recent" (meaning within a specific time frame).  Submitting current documentation means the documentation supplied is an accurate reflection of the student's disability and limitations at the time the student is requesting accommodations.  

如果我的医生/提供者建议我需要某种住宿, 这是SMC的住宿保证吗?

Your diagnosing professional's recommendation will be taken into consideration when the SDS office is working with you to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations.  在学生和SDS协调员进行面试之后, 关于什么被确定为适当的住宿的最终结果可能是相同的, 但它也可能不同于诊断专业人士最初的建议.  We work with students individually to learn about the student and how their disability affects them personally, 然后帮助制定住宿计划来解决这些障碍.


与其他机构建立的住宿不会自动转移.  Transfer students should set up an appointment with an SMC 学生残疾服务 Coordinator for an intake interview to talk about accommodations available at SMC.  Transfer students are welcome to share what accommodations they have used in the past at other institutions and that information will be a part of the intake process, with the SMC Coordinator working directly with the student to confirm what accommodations would be best at SMC, 哪个可能是一样的, 或不同的, 比以前使用的要多.



等我安顿好了, 从现在到毕业,我每个学期都可以使用这些住宿设施,有什么程序可以确保? 

学生每学期必须申请教室住宿. 住宿将根据具体情况和班级进行审查和延长. 另外, this quick process ensures that disabled students retain control of which instructors are to be notified of accommodation requests.  学生应该去 SDS在线网站,签到,然后按照步骤每学期更新住宿.





Once you have completed the process to receive accommodations with SDS and accommodations have been approved, SDS办公室将通知校园相关人员有关住宿情况.  请注意,我们不会透露实际残疾情况, 只有学生已被批准住宿的信息.  Students are highly encouraged to keep open communication with their faculty members but are not required to disclose the actual disability. 如果学生觉得这样做很舒服的话, 欢迎他们与他人分享他们的残疾信息,因为他们愿意, SDS办公室会把决定权留给学生.

  • 与教室有关的住宿, a Faculty Notification Letter will be sent to the faculty member advising of what the accommodation is that needs to be implemented.  Students should always schedule a time at the beginning of the term to discuss with the faculty member privately what the accommodation is and make sure to clear up any questions so that both faculty and student are on the same page with the accommodation.
  • Accommodations that relate to departments outside of the classroom will be communicated as needed to ensure the agreed upon accommodation is put into place.



Students approved for testing accommodations are encouraged to sign up a week in advance through the online portal. 学生可以按照这些说明做 如何在SDS中安排测试. Students may also call the SDS office at 925-631-4358 or drop by the office in FAH 190 for assistance in scheduling a test.  Time is needed to coordinate obtaining the test and testing instructions from the faculty member and to ensure proper space in the testing room.  Students will take the test in the SDS building (FAH190) on the same day and at the same time as the test/exam/quiz is being administered to the class.  任何例外情况都必须得到教员的批准.



Students who are participating in a 出国留学 program or are traveling abroad during Jan term with SMC should set up an appointment with 学生残疾服务 at least 30 days before the departure date.   为残疾人提供的便利和便利因国而异.  学生之间的合作方式, 教师主持人, 1月学期/留学协调员和SDS办公室将被用来审查行程, talk about potential limitations and barriers while traveling and identify resources for the student with a disability while traveling abroad.  


Will studying for a prolonged period of time compensate for a student’s disability thereby allowing him/her to score well on an exam?

尽管保证适当的学习时间是很重要的, 学习时间的长短不足以保证学业成功. 辅助技术, 辅导, 替代媒体格式, 还有许多其他的改变可以提高学习时间的效率. 另外, 适当的住宿将提高学生沟通他们所知道的能力.

Do accommodations give a student with a disability an advantage to help balance things out so that the student can pass the class?

Accommodations are customized to fit the individual needs of a disabled person in order to address specific educational barriers. 住宿安排到位,允许残疾学生参加教育项目, 它不能保证成功,但确实有助于确保获得.